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If I were to describe myself, that I would be... An unfinished symphony. Yes, I love music, but this blog is  not about music and it's technicalities. This will be about that symphony being written, edited and perfected for that grand orchestra in eternity.  It is a great honor to introduce you to my Maestro: JESUS Pardon me for I am an amateur blogger. Nevertheless, I pray that this blog would draw you closer to the great Author and Composer of life and LIFE Himself, as this will talk about my walk with Jesus as a mom who started young, a wife who loves and is loved by God's grace, a prodigal daughter who is given much grace and a human who continues to  live on like an unfinished symphony until Jesus completes His song in me in eternity.

Saturday, 20 October 2012


It's Your hand that I want to hold
And Your arms to wrap me when I'm cold
It's Your love that fills me

It's Your voice that sings me to sleep
It's Your songs that soothes me
It's just Your love that fills me, fills me deep

~Carole 8/02/2009

I just found this small lose note in between the pages of my Bible with the short poem I wrote a few years back.  I remember I was at work that time, and was just so overwhelmed with His love that I cannot contain it.  And the feeling remains the same, I know deep in my heart that no one else can fill me like the quenching love of Jesus. 

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