There is a fine line between being secure knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of God, and being overly confident because many say you are beautiful, pleasant to the eyes. I guess I would say, it's not confidence that is exuded, but pride in the heart.
Ladies, do not see or look at yourself from the eyes of men. Their praise should not be your basis of beautiful. The beauty you have should always come from within. No matter what the society dictates : "less is more (less cloth, more skin)" "if you got it, flaunt it", "this is the latest trend you should have" , "popularity is beauty" and so on- Set your heart or perspective of beauty from above. Because when everything fails, when your physicality fades, what is left is what matters.
I have witnessed women who fall into deep sorrows when their beauty fades. They're depressed because they don't look like this supermodel, they feel bad because they want to lose more weight even if it means being below the recommended weight for their structure, they feel terrible when no one upholds them or praises them even after having a total make-over. Not that I'm saying don't take care of yourselves or be lanky and stay at home and just wear those oversized shirts you have with uncoordinated shorts or skirts. No! It is not that. What i am saying is, do not mistake beauty for what the eyes see or wants to see.
Real beauty radiates from within.
I recall a patient who was outran by her cancer because she let it outrun her. She let the cancer grow in her, not just physically but wholly as a person. She had cervical cancer which as metastasized in her body, she had let to spread out to her soul as well. She has mistaken her beauty for what was fleeting, for what her eyes see. She focused on what is actually temporal instead of what should have been eternal. This lady grew more depressed every time she looks into the mirror when she could have looked into her soul and glorified it instead.
But I also know of ladies who fought the cancer in their lives. Even with battles of physical deterioration, they fought a good fight for beauty. Not just with what the eyes see, but that which leaves prints and legacy. They chose to believe that beauty comes from within, and they walked what they talked. They chose to radiate from within. They glorified what was inside and let it reflect in what is seen.
The beauty that is selfless, the beauty that radiates even without any makeup on, beauty that is glorious even with hair that comes off -when they say it is the woman's crowning glory. Beauty that is generous -lending always a hand to a friend or maybe a stranger, beauty that speaks only good and noble things of their neighbor, beauty that stands in dignity refusing to take what is less than the best -refusing which destroys their integrity.
Ladies, do not mistake beauty for having a handsome partner worship you all day. Don't make yourself an idol to the people around you. Because the face that you have is just a little part of the beauty of God, the real Source of beauty. And the beauty that you have should draw eyes to the Creator not to what you wear or what trend you have,not even to your beautiful face (which is, excuse us, was just lent to us). For what will you do, if you lose it all? What will you do when you lose the physical beauty you think you have? Do not bring shame to the Creator by marring what He has created.
Ladies, do not take what is not yours. Because what you have and will have is always given you at the right time. Do not mistake beauty for rushing into relationships, jumping from one to another, thinking that the more guys "you have", the more beautiful you are. Do not grief your lifetime or future husband by leaving him with what is left from your previous relationships. Do not take away from him the joy of knowing that you wholly belong to him. Wait for your turn. Wait for your time.
So, what is beauty to you? What dictates your beauty? How long will it last?
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.".
Proverbs 31: 30 - 31 (NLT)
- caroleingrace
- If I were to describe myself, that I would be... An unfinished symphony. Yes, I love music, but this blog is not about music and it's technicalities. This will be about that symphony being written, edited and perfected for that grand orchestra in eternity. It is a great honor to introduce you to my Maestro: JESUS Pardon me for I am an amateur blogger. Nevertheless, I pray that this blog would draw you closer to the great Author and Composer of life and LIFE Himself, as this will talk about my walk with Jesus as a mom who started young, a wife who loves and is loved by God's grace, a prodigal daughter who is given much grace and a human who continues to live on like an unfinished symphony until Jesus completes His song in me in eternity.